Indefinitely postponed while we recover from flood damage.
To donate or volunteer, please visit
Church Delegate Information
Delegates are allotted to congregations as follows:
3 Delegates for first 50 members plus one additional Delegate for each 50 members to a maximum of 5 total Delegates per member church not including UCONCI officers or UU ministers.If your congregation has not remitted annual dues, please send payment with a delegate.
is to foster, promote, and support Unitarian Universalism,
and Unitarian Universalist congregations in North Carolina."
Useful Information
UCONCI Executive Board:
President - Debbie Robertson
Vice President - Robert Stolar
Useful Links
- Executive Board Contact Info and Minutes
- Shelter Neck UU Camp
- "A History of Universalism in North Carolina -- 1740 to 2007" is available for purchase here.
Unitarian Universalist
Service Committee