Universalist Convention of North Carolina, Inc. (UCONCI)
113th Annual Meeting  -- 

Indefinitely postponed while we recover from flood damage.

To donate or volunteer, please visit


Church Delegate Information

Delegates are allotted to congregations as follows: 

3 Delegates for first 50 members plus one additional Delegate for each 50 members to a maximum of 5 total Delegates per member church not including UCONCI officers or UU ministers.

If your congregation has not remitted annual dues, please send payment with a delegate.

"The mission of the Universalist Convention of North Carolina, Incorporated
is to foster, promote, and support Unitarian Universali
and Unitarian Universalist congregations in North Carolina."

Useful Information

Useful Information 

UCONCI  Executive Board:
President    -     
Debbie Robertson  
Vice President - Robert Stolar


UUA Sothern Region

Western Carolinas Cluster

Eastern Carolina Cluster

Useful Links

Useful Links

Secretary     -   Elizabeth Norval
Treasurer -Feryl Masters      oferyl@gmail.com

Unitarian Universalist
Service Committee