is to foster, promote, and support Unitarian Universalism,
and Unitarian Universalist congregations in North Carolina."
UCONCI Officers:
President - Debbie Robertson (Community Church of Chapel Hill - UU)
Vice Pres. - Robert Stolar (UUC-Kinston)
Secretary - Elizabeth Norval - (UU Peace Fellowship, Raleigh)
Treasurer - Feryl Masters - (UUC - Greenville)
Trustees - Marion Hirsch - (CCCH-UU)
Dave Kundtz - (Outlaw's Bridge Universalist Church)
Jerry Winsett - (UUFW)
Billy Liles - (UUF_Raleigh)
Braxton Simmons - (UU Fellowship of Wilmington)
Shelly Duncan - (UUC - Greenville)
List of UCONCI member congregations
is available for purchase here.
Useful Information
Shelter Neck UU Camp is available for rental to UCONCI member congregations as well as to outside groups.
Carolinas Cluster
Carolina Cluster